Sunday, December 8


Add these terms & definitions on 3 x 5 cards.  We will have a quiz on them soon.

substance made up of two or more elements that cannot be separated by a physical change
examples:  Salt - Na Cl, water  -H2O, sugar  - C6H12O6

material that has a pH less than 7, turns blue litmus paper red

material has a pH greater than 7; turns red litmus paper blue

Boiling point 
temperature at which a liquid boils

Chemical change/reaction 
any change that creates a new substance by altering the chemical makeup of a compound.  Evidence of a chemical change could be change in temperature, light, heat, or sound given off, or the formation of gases

Chemical property
property of a substance that can be observed during a chemical change
Example:  combustibility (ability to burn), reactivity (with other elements)

state of matter that does not have a definite shape or volume.  It will fill the container in which it is placed.  The particles have high energy & are in motion 

Heterogeneous Mixture
mixture in which the materials are different sizes and often different states of matter.  It is easy to tell the difference between the different components in the mixture
Examples:  cereal & milk, chicken noodle soup, snack mix, nuts & bolts

Homogenous Mixture
mixture in which the different materials appear to be the same state of matter.  The particles of the materials in the mixture are similar sizes so the different materials are difficult to tell apart
Examples:  Powered drinks in water, salt water, bronze

any substance that can show the presence or absence of a chemical or substance
Examples:  Litmus paper (acids or bases), hydrion paper pH

substance that cannot be dissolved in another substance

state of matter with a definite volume but not definite shape.  It takes the shape of its container.  Its molecules have energy & roll past each other.

Melting Point
temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid.  Ice (water) melts at 0 C or 32 F

combination of one or more substances in which each component retains its own properties & still can be separated.  There are two types:  heterogeneous & homogenous

measure of how acidic or basic a solution

another term of state of matter.  There are four phases of matter:  solid, liquid, gas, & plasma

Physical change
change in size, shape, or state of matter that does not change a substance's composition
Example:  water melting or freezing, crumpling a piece of paper, liquid evaporating, breaking glass

the substance or substances that are formed in a chemical reaction
characteristics of an object or substance

substance that is participating in a chemical reaction

saturated solution
solution that has dissolved all of a substance that it is able to dissolve at a certain temperature

state of matter with a definite shape & volume.  Its particles have the lowest energy of all of the states of matter.

amount of substance or solute that can be dissolved in a certain amount of solvent

able to be dissolved into another substance

substance that is being dissolved into something else
Example:  in making a powered drink, the powder is the solute

homogenous mixture of two or more substances; can be solids, gasses, or liquids

substance into which something is being dissolved
Example:  in salt water, the solvent is water 

Supersaturated solution
solution that has more substance dissolved in it than it would normally be able to have dissolved at a certain temperature

Unsaturated solution
solution that can still have more of a certain substance dissolved it in